About Me
Hi! I am Pirate or Jordan (whichever name fits your fancy) and my pronouns are he/they!
I am just a guy who takes on WAY too many projects including but not limited to art, streaming, gayming, crafting, pattern making, and sewing. But the most important hobby for this blog site is writing! I plan to become an indie game developer for dating sims and visual novels and I am slowly working on two game scripts with an idea for a third one in the future! I am also slowly planning on learning coding to help me create games of my dreams.
I decided to make this blog so that I can keep people who are interested in my work to have an easy way of keeping up to date. I won't be posting every little detail, but whatever I want to share will go here!
I plan to section off my blog posts to writing, coding, and general game dev updates. Coding and game dev updates may sometimes collide with each other but I think I'll post more art or timeline stuff in there!
If that sounds good to you, take a gander at my current and past blog posts! I can't say how often I'll post here, so if you want to subscribe to stay up to date feel free, or just check here every so often.
See y'all in the next blog post!